Part of the Musaraña program at Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid
Related to the exhibition “Edvard Munch. Arquetipos”, The Scream from Nature is included in the Musaraña program of EducaThyssen.
People are invited to make their own Screams from Nature, which will be shown in the hall of the museum. Information in Spanish to be found in this video>>>, as well as written here>>>
Find inspiration in the work of Edvard Munch!

Munch: Enredadera roja 1898 © Munch-Ellingsen Group. Un Grito de la Naturaleza con enredaderas rojas at EducaThyssen
The Scream from Nature is an eco art project which aims to raise consciousness about the relationship between humans and nature. The project is a contemporary interpretation of Munch’s masterpiece the Scream, in which the iconic anxiety-ridden face is recreated outdoors in nature, with a variety of materials.
Munch wrote several texts about the Scream motif, the most poignant among these being: “I felt a huge unending scream course through nature”. Now, over 100 years later, we hear another ”scream” from nature: droughts, forest fires, floods, earth slides, extreme weather, melting glaciers, rising ocean levels and mass-extinction of animal and plant species are just some of the challenges the world faces today.
Find inspiration not only in the Scream, but in the broad oeuvre of Edvard Munch and how he treats nature in his work
Lise Wulff, founding artist of The Scream from Nature
Autumn leaves

Munch El manzano 1921 © Munch Museum/Munch-Ellingsen Group. Grito de la Naturaleza de Hønefoss school, photo Ingela Grov
Colored snow

Munch Noche estrellada 1922-1924 ©Munch Museum/Munch-Ellingsen Group. Gritos de la Naturaleza from Hakadal school, photo Janne Beate Standal
Precious stones

Munch Dos mujeres en la orilla © Munch Museum/Munch-Ellingsen Group. El Grito de la Naturaleza de Hønefoss school, foto Ingela Grov

Munch La tormenta 1893 © Munch Museum/Munch-Ellingsen Group. Grito de la Naturaleza de Paal Alme
Send your Scream from Nature to scream at thescreamfromnature dot com, or share it directly on Facebook or Instagram #thescreamfromnautre!